Cell Phones Take The Best Photos???

"My phone takes better photos" says guest... I call BULL... This is what a guest from a wedding decides to tell me when standing in front of me.

But lets not upset to many people, Fact is cell phone do take amazing images, Photographer, Jerry Gionis has gone as far as submitting a wedding album into a WPPI competition and winning an award. Fact is my phone itself has a Lecia Camera system with a 20 mega pixels and UHD Video, that is amazing.

But, here is the reality:
Starting on the Left, This is a full frame sensor from pro-range DSLR cameras, The middle is a standard sensor from consumer range camera's, and the the right is a cell phone camera sensor. Do you see the problem?

Well the problem does not lay in the quality of the image, it is in the ability to crop the image or even enlarge it, with the sensor size decreased, the enlarging of these images means that they are going to distort before the pro-range camera's.

So whats the moral of the story, don't get in the way of the professional photographer in any shoot; yes your phone will take an amazing photograph if you know how to use it, but the pro definitely has a better camera sensors and is being paid to take the photos.


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