Dont TALK to me!!!

One of my biggest pet peeves is communication, it grinds me when people don't communicate effectively. We were taught and drilled when we were growing up that we need to talk, but now days... its like talking is becoming a rapidly extinct habit. I can just hear people now going yeah... its the cell phones, or the game machines or facebook. BULL. I grew up with all of these things and I communicate just fine.
Now you may be asking me why this arb topic, well in the photographic industry we run into alot of clients that just neglect to meet, inform us of important items or changes and leave us standing looking like idiots. We can not do anything without information. Here is the reason, every one is different, every shoot is different, talking and sharing helps the photographer adapt and adjust, giving you the best photographs possible.
So for photographers, you need to meet with your clients, you need to communicate with them as much as possible and even go as far as sucking information out of your clients.
For the wedding couple, or anyone being photographed, give your photographer all the information they need, and really make sure you give them rather to much than too little, your photos do depend on this. If your photographer says to you I know what Im doing, so just let me do what I need to do.... FIRE THEM. Get your money back (if you can) and get someone else.


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