PLEASE! Just let us know

As photographers we know that clients are going to contact many photographer, and look for the one that suites them best. There is nothing wrong with that, you need to find the photographer that suites your needs and style; hopefully its not only based on the cheapest...
But... you have taken the time to contact all these photographers, looked at what they have to offer; and narrowed down a list of photographers you want to meet. I hope you meet with your photographer, if you don't how do your know what you see on their web and social media is actually them. You then meet and choose the photographer that is perfect for you and your needs, and that's where you leave it.
If that is the case that is actually really rude. You have contact a good number of photographers, alot of them have their hopes set that you might use them, and may even go as far as doing a block booking for your date. If you don't know what a block booking is, it is a temporary booking to remind them to try keep the date available for you. Any good photographer will do a block booking and if another clients looks at that date they will then consult with you and ask if you still want the booking.
But what really grates me, an yes I know these are rants alot of the time, but hopefully you as a client will understand and help us be efficient. What Grates me, and I speak for alot of photographers, is that you send out your packages and create block bookings, but then that's the last we hear from you, no reply to follow ups or anything; and that's rude. What is so wrong with letting the photographers that didn't make you selection that you have found a perfect photographer for your photo-shoot. Its not like we going to interrogate you now or even try hunt you down. Okay there may be some photographers out their that are so desperate that they may start to negotiate and try and try and try to get your work, you can ignore them.
Essentially as a photographer we thrive on communication. and by letting us know you now don't require our services we can then look at other clients without the delay of trying to contact you, giving our next client an good service as well.
So please, communicate with us.


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