The respect of the Human Form

You will have to excuse me, its a bit of a vent session. I belong to a large number of photography societies and have been noticing that some photographers, even in my local area... do not have respect for the human form.
In its natural and perfect form, the human body is an amazing piece of art created by God. So why is it then that some photographers don't respect this, they seem to exploit the beauty of art and a females body, to get more likes? I don't know. BUT STOP IT.
There are some amazing photographers that really create art out of the beauty of the human form, making amazing empowering images. Artists like Micheal Stokes, and Steve Castings know how to really make the human form look amazing. Even tho Steve has an Erotic section which pushes it too far for my liking, but that is my personal opinion; but yet his work is amazing and respectful.
My thing is that the human form should be respected, especially the female form. If a photographer does choose to photograph the human form then they need to do it in a way that empowers that form. By taking (simply put) pornographic style images and calling it art is just a joke and is disgusting, these photographers should have their camera's broken.


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