Your Photo's in a Day

I don't know how many of you have been offered a photo-shoot with the promise of getting your photo's the next day... Or even how many of you thought this was awesome and booked that photographer. Well, if you did book that photographer, and you received your photo's you may have noticed that you could have probably taken better pictures on your phone.
There is a very good explanation for this. That photographer is what we call a "Snap & Burn" photographer. They get a camera and realizes that they can take some pretty good images, but dont know anything more that that, or anything about post editing. They literally just take a load of "Snap Shots" and the burn them onto a disk and give it to you the next day.
As a Professional Photographer, we take at least 3-4 days just to download and do basic corrections to our images, from there our images go through an intense crit and selection process, followed by photoshop adjustments. Usually, on a good day we could get up to 10 images done. So what is the industry standard?  Its difficult to give a standard time frame because this is dependent on a number of factors; But a safe bet is between 4 - 8 weeks.
In afrikaans they have a saying, "Good Koop, is Duur Koop" (my spelling may be off on that, I have written anything in afrikaans for a LONG time). But the moral of the story is that if you are paying pennies for a shoot and being given a disk of photos the next day, is it really worth it. If this your wedding day, do you really want to take that chance.


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