So Whats The Rush?

This is a peeve of mine, especially at weddings, but don't get me wrong... it doesn't only happen at weddings. What is the Rush!!!

It seems to be a common occurrence that weddings are rushed, honestly; in most cases I haven't a clue as to why they are rushed. In some cases, and believe it or not, less than most, the rush is due to time delays, but its not as common as we may think.

I understand that there is always allot of stress and nerves involved, believe me I know, I am married... got that T-Shirt. So I understand nerves. I am also so nervous at every wedding, this is my only chance to get great photographs, I don't get a second chance at this, so I am also nervous; But rushing everything is only going to make it worse; and you are not going to get all the photo's you want, and they probably not going to look the way you want them.

If your wedding is planned properly and a realistic time-frame is in place, everything should be awesome. Yes, there will always be a delay here or there, which realistically you should be planning into your time-frame. I do understand that this is usually your first wedding, but then turn to your wedding planner, photographer and other vendors to help you plan a time line for your wedding. Even tho these people may also only have got married once, they have at least been to 50 wedding more than you and have a better understanding of a time-frame and also possible delays and where they may be. Use us, your vendors, we will be more than happy to help.

My advice, is to listen to your vendors, in the case of photography, an experience photographer has definitely developed some awesome tricks to help on the day, listen to them.

My tricks involve:

  • The manor in which I talk to my clients and everything I do I have developed to calm my clients and help them feel comfortable.
  • We use allot of jokes and distraction techniques when we see our clients becoming to nervous or stressed
  • We encourage and try and remind our clients to take a deep breath before each major event during the wedding
  • During the portfolio section of the wedding we discourage extra people, especially if they have camera's of phones, our couple always end up getting distracted by the other camera's which leads to them trying to rush.
  • Make sure that in your planning you have your guests entertained and fed with snacks so that you are not worried about them becoming impatient or hungry.
The key is to enjoy your self and make the most of your amazing day of union.


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