
Quick way to tell if your photographer is "Any Good"

SO here is a quick way to tell if your photographer is any good or not.... wait for it.... its mind blowing.... LIGHT. What? now you confused, well a quick way to telling if your photographer is any good or not, is by the way they use light. There is 2 main styles, but the principle is the same. We have natural light photographers, these amazing photographers use the sun as their main light source and a selection of modifiers to manipulate the sun around them. This helps them get dynamic photographs with out all the bits and pieces Stobists use. Stobists are the others that use artificial light to enhance their photographs and subject via varioues different lights and modifiers, In most cases, your professional photographers are well versed in both ways of lighting their subject to get the absolutely best photograph. So you asking, that still doesn't help me in any way? Well, true. But the proof is in the pudding... the photographs they produce. You may not be ...

Top 7 Questions Asked

So here are some of the top questions we always get asked, Im going to try ask them in the most asked order... but they may not be in any particular order....... So here goes Does it really cost that much for photographs? If you think this is expensive, I will happily refer you to some other more expensive photographers. We are not cheep bu we are definitely worth every cent. We pride ourselves in making professional photography and videography affordable to allow everyone to be able to get beautiful photographs. Can we take less time for a cheaper option?  Absolutely, we do customize packages for you to try and help you get what you need to get, at a price you can afford. This can become more pricey at a certain point, but ten its better just to go wit a full package. Do you charge for travel?  We do charge AA rates for any photo-shoot that exceeds a certain distance. This will be communicated with you well before the photo-shoot. Are we going to...

So Whats The Rush?

This is a peeve of mine, especially at weddings, but don't get me wrong... it doesn't only happen at weddings. What is the Rush!!! It seems to be a common occurrence that weddings are rushed, honestly; in most cases I haven't a clue as to why they are rushed. In some cases, and believe it or not, less than most, the rush is due to time delays, but its not as common as we may think. I understand that there is always allot of stress and nerves involved, believe me I know, I am married... got that T-Shirt. So I understand nerves. I am also so nervous at every wedding, this is my only chance to get great photographs, I don't get a second chance at this, so I am also nervous; But rushing everything is only going to make it worse; and you are not going to get all the photo's you want, and they probably not going to look the way you want them. If your wedding is planned properly and a realistic time-frame is in place, everything should be awesome. Yes, ther...

Cell Phones Take The Best Photos???

"My phone takes better photos" says guest... I call BULL... This is what a guest from a wedding decides to tell me when standing in front of me. But lets not upset to many people, Fact is cell phone do take amazing images, Photographer, Jerry Gionis  has gone as far as submitting a wedding album into a WPPI competition and winning an award. Fact is my phone itself has a Lecia Camera system with a 20 mega pixels and UHD Video, that is amazing. But, here is the reality: Starting on the Left, This is a full frame sensor from pro-range DSLR cameras, The middle is a standard sensor from consumer range camera's, and the the right is a cell phone camera sensor. Do you see the problem? Well the problem does not lay in the quality of the image, it is in the ability to crop the image or even enlarge it, with the sensor size decreased, the enlarging of these images means that they are going to distort before the pro-range camera's. So whats the moral of the story, ...

Dont TALK to me!!!

One of my biggest pet peeves is communication, it grinds me when people don't communicate effectively. We were taught and drilled when we were growing up that we need to talk, but now days... its like talking is becoming a rapidly extinct habit. I can just hear people now going yeah... its the cell phones, or the game machines or facebook. BULL. I grew up with all of these things and I communicate just fine. Now you may be asking me why this arb topic, well in the photographic industry we run into alot of clients that just neglect to meet, inform us of important items or changes and leave us standing looking like idiots. We can not do anything without information. Here is the reason, every one is different, every shoot is different, talking and sharing helps the photographer adapt and adjust, giving you the best photographs possible. So for photographers, you need to meet with your clients, you need to communicate with them as much as possible and even go as far as sucking i...

Your Photo's in a Day

I don't know how many of you have been offered a photo-shoot with the promise of getting your photo's the next day... Or even how many of you thought this was awesome and booked that photographer. Well, if you did book that photographer, and you received your photo's you may have noticed that you could have probably taken better pictures on your phone. There is a very good explanation for this. That photographer is what we call a "Snap & Burn" photographer. They get a camera and realizes that they can take some pretty good images, but dont know anything more that that, or anything about post editing. They literally just take a load of "Snap Shots" and the burn them onto a disk and give it to you the next day. As a Professional Photographer, we take at least 3-4 days just to download and do basic corrections to our images, from there our images go through an intense crit and selection process, followed by photoshop adjustments. Usually, on a ...

"That Photo"

We have all come across "That Photo", the photo that makes us stop and look again and again, ending with an attraction or emotion being evoked with, "That Photo." So what is it about "That Photo" that makes us stop. Well photographers actually put a lot of work into getting that image, spending a lot of time researching and learning how to achieve it. With the more skill and experience a photographer has, obviously it will be easier.  Joel Grimes , a renowned sports and fashion composite photographer says, "Awesome, you got that shot, now go do replicate it 300 times more and then you can say you can do it". "That Photo" does not just happen, it takes lots and lots of practice. Many people will say its the gear, "You have the best camera, off course you will get the best photo". That is so not true its just not funny, its like saying, your oven makes fantastic cakes! World Top Wedding Photographer  Jerry Ghionis , has...